Deep Learning Libraries
Discussion, and some examples on the most common deep learning libraries:
One of the most basic characteristic of caffe is that is easy to train simple non recurrent models.
Most cool features:
Good Performance, allows training with multiple GPUs
Implementation for CPU and GPU
Source code is easy to read
Allow layer definition in Python
Has bidings for Python and Matlab
Allows network definition with text language (No need to write code)
Fast dataset access through LMDB
Allows network vizualization
Has web interface (Digits)
Caffe Main classes:
Blob: Used to store data and diffs(Derivatives)
Layer: Some operation that transform a bottom blob(input) to top blobs(outputs)
Net: Set of connected layers
Solver: Call Net forward and backward propagation, update weights using gradient methods (Gradient descent, SGD, adagrad, etc...)
Caffe training/validation files
path/to/image/1.jpg [label]
Simple example
Here a logistic regression classifier. Imagine as a neural network with one layer and a sigmoid (cross-entropy softmax) non-linearity.
Caffe Cons
Need to write C++ / Cuda code for new layers
Bad to write protofiles for big networks (Resnet, googlenet)
Bad to experience new architectures (Mainstream version does not support Fast RCNN)
Really good for research, the problem is that use a new language called Lua.
Torch Pros
Very easy source code
Easy biding with C/C++
Web interface (Digits)
Torch Cons
New language Lua
Difficult to load data from directories
No Matlab bidings
Less Plug and play than caffe
Not easy for RNN
Theano Cons
More manual
No matlab biding
Slower than other frameworks
No much pre-trained models
Tensorflow Pros
Good for RNN
Allow distributed training
Tensorboard for signal visualization
Python Numpy
Tensorflow Cons
Not much pre-trained models
No Support for new object detection features (Ex Roi pooling)
No support for datasets like Caffe
Slower than Caffe for single GPU training
Good for RNN
Allows distributed training
No visualization
Any error CNTK crash
No simple source code to read
New language (ndl) to describe networks
No current matlab or python bindings
For research use Torch or Tensorflow (Last option Theano)
For training convnets or use pre-trained models use Caffe
CS231n Deep learning course summary
Get features from known model (Alexnet, Googlenet, Vgg): Use caffe
Fine tune known models (Alexnet, Googlenet, Vgg): Use Caffe
Image Captioning: Torch or Tensorflow
Segmentation: Caffe, Torch
Object Detection: Caffe with python layers, Torch (More work)
Language Modelling: Torch, Theano
Implement Bath Norm: Torch, Theano or Tensorflow
Normally Tensorflow can be used in all cased that torch can, but if you need to understand what a specific layer does, or if you need to create a new layer, use torch instead of tensorflow. Torch is preferable on those cases, because the layer source code is more easy to read in torch.
Next Chapter
On the next chapter we will discuss Distributed Learning
Last updated
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